Artemis Consulting Group, Inc. (Artemis) is an environmental strategy consulting firm that helps our clients identify and address their environmental goals. We work with our clients to develop greener, more sustainable businesses that are also more profitable, delivering a boost in our clients’ “ROGI” – Return on Green Investments.  

We do this in three ways. Artemis teams with our clients to assess their environmental programs and goals; we develop strategic action plans, including financial and technical performance metrics; and we are available to help our clients implement the strategic plan or troubleshoot aspects of their developed programs. Sustainability and corporate social responsibility are becoming mainstream topics, but they really are complex issues. Artemis brings multidisciplinary expertise to address our clients' sustainability program needs: regulatory knowledge of not only the current platform but also future trends; engineering talent to problem solve and design; IT to scale solutions; and finance to build the business case for environmental responsibility.

Artemis creates value for our clients in the following practice areas:

  • Sustainability;
  • Remediation Optimization; and
  • Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS or HSE) Program Development and Management.